How I met David Mink!

Guest post written by Judi Sherer Mink : daughter of Murray Alexander aka Al & Elma Green Sherer / wife of David Mink/ mother of Debbie & Sam Mink/ grandmother aka Honey of Ever & Axel Keegstra, & Asher Mink .

Born: February 20, 1948 / Atlanta, Georgia 

Judi & David Mink December 26, 1971

Judi & David Mink December 26, 1971

It was June 5th 1971 and I was headed to two weddings that night.  Josie Berg was marrying John Rosenthal and Albert Freedman was marrying I can’t remember who!  I was upset because I didn’t have a date. I never had a date. 

I went to Josie and John’s wedding first. After the ceremony I was standing in the receiving line with my father and waiting to congratulate the bride and groom when this man came up to me.  This man was wearing a wedding band and was previously standing next to two women my age, one of which I assumed was his wife.  He walked over and asked me in this unsuave sort of way, “Are you a friend of the bride or the groom?”  And I replied, “BOTH.”  I wasn’t interested in chatting with a married guy.  

A little later during the reception a friend of mine asked if I would like to meet an eligible bachelor and I said, “Of course!” She pointed to David Mink the guy who approached me earlier. I said,  “I think he’s married.”  And my friend said,  “No.  He’s not.”  

David was talking to another couple, so I downed a drink, got my liquid courage on and went over and stood by them until somebody finally recognized my presence and included me in the conversation.  I started talking to David and even though we were sitting at different tables, we ended up dancing all night and having a great time.   

When Josie threw the bouquet I caught it.  When John threw the garter David caught it.  David’s mother (Syliva) took the microphone from the band leader and announced to everyone that I was going to be her new daughter.  And, I was thinking- Lady, You don’t even know me.  You can’t say that.  

And guess what, 6 months later we were married and moving to Israel to start our lives together.   

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Sherer Pedigree


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