How I met Judi Sherer!
David Mink : son of Samuel & Sylvia Pseny Mink / husband of Judi Sherer / father of Debbie & Sam Mink / grandfather aka Poppy of Ever & Axel Keegstra, & Asher Mink
Born: April 9, 1947 / Philadelphia, PA.
One might say it was beshert ( Yiddish for meant to be). I met Judi (Judith Ellen Sherer), June 5th, 1971, at the wedding of John Rosenthal and Josie Berg. Judi caught the bouquet and I caught the garter.
Josie throwing the bouquet. Judi is in the green dress about to catch it. My mom Sylvia is three women over in the red dress!
Judi was living in Washington DC at the time so weekends were the only time we spent together. As the relationship grew more serious, a problem arose. I had made arrangements to make aliyah, to live in Israel. I was to report to Ulpan Etzion, an absorption center, in Jerusalem in January. Did Judi want to come with? If so, did she want to get married? When I posed these questions in November, Judi called her mother and said “David proposed, I think. He wants to get married and move to Israel.” “Let me take a valium and I’ll talk to you in the morning,” was her mom’s reply.
Six months after we met we were married on December 26,1971 and a new family was created. After the wedding celebration we hopped on a plane to start our new life in Israel.
Our Israeli life turned into a six month honeymoon when I realized our future was in the States. But our odyssey in Israel has had a profound effect on our lives. We got a chance to know each other without the distraction of in-laws. We returned to Philadelphia to start our family and establish and reconnect to our roots. We would return to Israel as a family in 1988 for Sam’s ( our son- named after my father) Bar Mitzvah.
Mink Pedigree